Confidence is the most beautiful thing you can possess.”

The foremost reason why I happen to put this quotation in the very beginning is only to remind the readers that nothing can compare to the beauty of confidence. Confidence is the only thing that cannot be bought, it has to be internalized and yes, it takes time.

In today’s life, especially the youth goes through a great deal of mental stress just because the level of confidence they need to have is extremely low. We also need to know that the problem of low confidence happens because of many underlying issues. In most cases, it is childhood trauma, suppressed feelings, and insecurities about oneself that prevent an individual from attaining self-confidence.

Self-confidence is the key to being exposed to greater opportunities and better relationships as it is the only thing that makes us capable of owning ourselves through a positive perspective without being affected by any external source.

To put it in a more exhaustive way, self-confidence helps you to be happy with yourself without letting anybody have charge of providing it to you. It’s the organic feeling of knowing that you are capable of manifesting whatever you want to have in your life without the urge to be dependent on anything and anyone.

Now as we commence further, let’s emphasize the meaning of what self-confidence actually means?

Self-confidence- Self-confidence is the reliance on one’s self, abilities, and judgments which eventually gives rise to a better way of life and a whole new perspective on life.  You need to have a  strong self-belief to generate confidence. It not only lets you be a better person but also gives you wide prospects and a clear conscience.

As humans, we are often met with insecurities that drive us away from our long-term goals and keep us always full of apprehensions, however, once you build self-confidence, you construct a coping mechanism that helps you in finding ways to come out of it, victoriously. 

To make this a bit further, let’s know a few rewards that self-confidence lends us-

1- Breaks the cycle of anxiety – If you have been an overthinker and low on confidence, you must be accustomed to the constant anxiety and panic attacks wherein it is considered so common to keep replaying your past mistakes, and holding yourself guilty even when you really were not.  This happens because of low levels of confidence. Attaining self-confidence will help you to eradicate that possibility and move past it. 

2- Increases motivation –  Once you are able to acquire self-confidence, you would be able to recognize your strengths and work with the best of your efforts towards them. It gives you constant urges to be better without being obsessive over past mistakes. It uplifts your morale.

3- Improved relationships –  Having self-confidence over yourself removes yourself from the position of being dependent on anyone. It releases you from expecting anything from a person which eventually keeps you relaxed and lends you great chances to put the best of your efforts into a relationship without making it toxic.  Self-confidence lets you know that you can never control what people feel about you, however, when it’s the other way round, you need to have control over what you feel about yourself. 

4-  Gives you the space to shine –  when you have self-confidence, there are very less chances of you giving precedence to success to know your worth. A confident person knows their capabilities and works constantly towards them. It gives you the courage to be vocal about your needs which gives an individual the space to shine without having to rely on any external source. 

5- Makes you resilient – having confidence over oneself doesn’t always mean winning,  but it simply means you don’t let your failures stop you,  being a confident person means you have control over your thoughts and that you don’t let any kind of defeat come in the way of how you feel about yourself. 

Self-confidence isn’t about being grateful for everything but is also about comprehending and bringing acceptance to the fact that your past mistakes cannot make you less of a person. It also is in all those insecurities that we try to conceal and hide. In other words, the simplest definition of self-confidence can also be the courage and resilience to accept whatever has happened and whatever is happening.

In most cases, people try to not come to terms with their past which often disrupts their path towards self-confidence, what we need to understand here is that self-confidence is the behavior that we include in our lives. It is not a day’s work but a lifetime’s. To be able to have a full grasp on the concept of confidence, you don’t need to put yourself on a rollercoaster but just simply need to decipher that its acceptance is the key to attaining self-confidence, at any cost.

Further, let me take this very liberty and mention a few tips through which you would be able to build self-confidence and live your life in a more relaxed and peaceful way.

1- Reflect on what you have – Most of the time, we tend to be less grateful for what we already have and stress more on what we don’t have leading to the release of feeling pity usually accompanied by low confidence. To prevent this, you need to be grateful for every goal that you have achieved until now even when it’s not as great as it should be. Just simply be grateful and keep reflecting on how far you have come.

2- Keep doing things you are good at – Throughout your journey of self-confidence, you need to have a deep connection with the things that you love. Keep on writing if that’s what makes you lively, play football for an hour if you feel so. The main point is to keep holding onto your true interest and it will keep feeding you with the right motivation to go further.

3- Set goals – Vision some goals and set out the steps you need to take to achieve them. They don’t have to be big goals; they can even be things like baking a cake or planning a night out with friends. Just aim for some small achievements that can help you gain confidence and be proud of yourself. Remember, we need to give precedence to our wholesome growth throughout the journey. 

4- Affirm yourself –  You need to keep pushing yourself and keep reaffirming yourself with positivity. Make sure you don’t let negativity get to you and you discontinue the process as soon as it becomes a pattern. 

5- Take breaks – You need to understand that now and then, you will feel burdened and just not right at the moment. On such days, you need to take a backseat and take a break to prevent feeling this way. self-confidence won’t happen just like that, you need to be mindful throughout the journey about your true gut feeling, if it tells you to stop, then do so. Take a rest.


At the very end of this article, I would like to bring to everyone’s sight that there is nothing wrong with feeling worthless on some days, it is absolutely normal, what isn’t is the way you let it get entangled in your habits. Self-confidence works like a barrier in between and prevents you from doing so, which makes it essential to make it a core value that needs to be acquired, period.